Even the most rigorous hygiene regimes can't fully preserve the pristine sheen of teeth. Over the years, tea, coffee, red wine and other staining agents leave their telltale signature on our smiles - yellowing, stains and discolouration.
When these take hold, our leading whitening treatments could be just the thing to give your teeth back their lustre and sheen.
With home and in-clinic options available, there's no more comfortable or more convenient way to give your smile a boost.
We also offer internal whitening - a gentle bleaching process to restore teeth darkened by root canal treatment.
When you don’t have the time to spare for in-clinic whitening, why not take home one of our home bleaching kits. Each contains a custom-made tray that fits precisely over your teeth, as well as a supply of bleaching gel. We’ll also give you full instructions on how to make the most out of your kit. The tray should be worn for a few hours every day for amazing results over a few weeks.
Don't confuse our home whitening with over-the-counter systems. Our custom trays are designed for an accurate fit, and the whitening agent contains a much higher concentration of bleach.
For the most dramatic results, we can use a combination of both home and in-clinic whitening. Typically, you’ll undergo whitening at home for a week or two before finishing off with a single hour-long treatment in our Wirral clinic.
Amazing results achieved by the combination of in-clinic and at-home treatments is why we often refer to the process as power whitening.
Sometimes the discolouration of teeth isn’t caused by food and drink but by problems with the root or nerve. Trauma or treatments like root canal surgery can cause teeth to darken over time. We call these intrinsic stains and - fortunately - there is a simple remedy.
We can only carry out internal whitening on teeth that have undergone successful root canal treatment and the inner blood vessels and nerves replaced with a composite filling.
To start the process, we'll begin by drilling a tiny hole in the tooth to put the bleaching product into. (For front teeth, we can target the rear side where the hole isn't on show.) The hole is then sealed with a temporary filling, leaving the bleach inside the tooth. The procedure is completely painless because the tooth has no nerve inside.
At a second appointment, we'll remove the temporary filling to drain the bleach and replace it with a permanent one that matches your teeth. Occasionally, we may need to repeat the process or supplement with traditional whitening techniques to achieve the perfect shade.
Ready to give your smile back the colour and shine it deserves? Call us today on 0151 353 8943 or get in touch through our contact form to arrange a consultation.
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