The foundation of good oral health.
When picturing a fantastic smile, the first image that usually springs to mind is neat rows of pearly white teeth.
Seldom do we consider the role our gums play in maintaining picture-perfect oral health - and yet they are fundamental.
From bleeding and soreness to bad breath and tooth-loss - gum disease is responsible for a whole host of unpleasant symptoms.
And when gum health begins to fail, the teeth are usually quick to follow.
Our complete dentistry approach recognises that gum health is - literally - the foundation of great teeth. We offer a full range of treatments and procedures to keep them in top condition.
Gum disease - often referred to as periodontitis - comes with a host of unpleasant and painful symptoms:
If you think you may be suffering from periodontitis, talk to Buckle Advanced Dental Care about getting your gum health back on track.
Gingivitis is pain and sensitivity in the gums caused when plaque or bacteria collect on the teeth. This easily treatable condition can be a precursor to full gum disease if left untreated. Regular and thorough tooth scaling by our hygiene team is usually enough to banish the problem. The process takes around an hour, and we recommend repeating the treatment every 2-6 months.
A significant buildup of bacteria and plaque can lead to gingivitis. If this develops into full gum disease - or periodontitis - it could eventually cause the complete loss of teeth. If you suspect you may be suffering from gum disease, getting early treatment is crucial. Our experienced hygiene team can carry out a full root planing to smooth the surface of the teeth's roots and get rid of infections. We may also prescribe antibiotic gels or recommend periodontal surgery.
One of the most noticeable symptoms of periodontitis is receding gums when gums retreat, exposing the root of teeth and making them appear elongated. If this sounds familiar, talk to our periodontal team about a gum graft to replace lost tissue. We also offer gum lifts when excessive gum tissue covers teeth resulting in a 'gummy smile.'
Take care of your gums and they won't let you down. If you suffer from any of the nasty symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis, it's time to take action and talk to Buckle Advanced Dental Care.
Call us now on 0151 353 8943 to arrange a consultation or get in touch through our contact form.